Friday, June 24, 2005

More Rove

Ken Mehlman reacts to Democrat attacks on Karl Rove: "It’s outrageous that the same Democrats who stood by Dick Durbin’s libeling of our military are now expressing faux outrage over Karl Rove’s statement of historical fact."

"We, The Undersigned, Citizens And Residents Of The United States Of
America … Appeal To The President Of The United States, George W. Bush … And To All Leaders Internationally To Use Moderation And Restraint In
Responding To The Recent Terrorist Attacks Against The United States."
(MoveOn.Org Website, "MoveOn Peace,")

The White House is standing by Rove's implication that "liberals are soft on terrorism". Key word here is LIBERALS.

"I think Karl was very specific, very accurate, in who he was pointing
out," communications director Dan Bartlett said. "It's touched a chord with
these Democrats. I'm not sure why. It's somewhat puzzling why all these
Democrats ... who responded forcefully after 9-11, who voted to support President Bush's pursuit of the war on terror, are now rallying to the defense

The New York Post thinks Libs Are Wimps: "All Rove did was speak about the comparative attitudes of liberals and conservatives on how best to conduct the War on Terror. And you know what? He was right.

"But perhaps the most important difference," he said, is "in the area of
national security. Conservatives saw the attacks and prepared for war; liberals
saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer
therapy and understanding for our attackers."

"The hysteria of his critics proves just how close to home the remarks hit."

As usual, Rove cut to the chase last night on Scarborough Country:

Rove: "There are a lot of Democrats who have not gotten over the last election. They're rage-filled. They thought they were going to win. They have never gotten over 2000. They will not get over 2004. And they are just letting their rage work its way through. And that's not helpful for them or for the system."

That statement, more than any other, cuts to the root cause of the political divisions and Democrat obstructionism that exist today.