Thursday, September 29, 2005

Skunk Indicts Hammer

Somehow, the "Earl of Injustice", Ronnie Earle, convinced a grand jury to indict Tom Delay on conspiracy charges.

If there's a conspiracy afoot, it's political, vast, left-wing, and includes media types, like Tim Russert, who promptly spewed forth Democrat talking points.

Objective: 2006 mid-term elections.

Earle pulled the same thing in 1993 with Kay Bailey Hutchison. Earle wanted then TX Gov. Ann Richards to appoint him to fill Lloyd Bentsen's vacant Senate seat, but Richards instead appointed Bob Krueger. Hutchison beat Krueger in a special election, giving TX two GOP Senators.

In an attempt to preserve liberal Dems in Austin and scuttle Hutchison's 1994 re-election campaign, Earle went after Kay but dropped the case on the first day of her trial. Hutchison was acquitted.

There's a skunk named Earle on the left of the road, and it's stinkin' to high heaven.

Michelle Malkin here.
Power Line here, here.