Monday, October 03, 2005

Bush Nominates Harriet Miers

She's a "pit bull in size 6 shoes" who eats nails for breakfast, doesn't
have an elite pedigree, has never been a judge, and has no paper trail.

She's even contributed to Democrat campaigns.

The Dems like her, and the conservatives don't -- you can tell by all the wailing and hand wringing.

Conservatives are afraid of stealth like David Souter. Miers opinions are not on the record. But, Bush doesn't like paper trails -- John Roberts had a short one, and short trails offer less for the Dems to nitpick.

Some think Bush copped out and went for a safe pick.

But, others believe, "Harry Reid has just been hosed - and he doesn't even know it", and she will move the court to the right as a "plain spoken red stater".

Fred Barnes: "it became clear to Bush that she had exactly the philosophy of judicial restraint he favors and that she wouldn't "grow" as a justice and turn into a swing vote or a liberal....with her, Bush believes he would be altering the ideological makeup of the court, moving it to the right."

Hugh Hewitt: "Wake up people: Do you really think W is going to elevate a friend who doesn't agree with him on the crucial issues of the day just because she's a friend? Bush's picks for the Bench have been stellar, and his support for them unwavering."

I agree with Fred and Hugh.