Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The Education Philosophies of Barack Obama, Jeremiah Wright, and Bill Ayers

"However he may seek to deny it, all evidence points to the fact that, from his position as board chair of the Chicago Annenberg Challenge, Barack Obama knowingly and persistently funded an educational project that shared the extremist and anti-American philosophy of Jeremiah Wright."

It's an African centered educational philosophy to create a "virtually separate and intensely anti-American black social world".

"And guess what? Bill Ayers is still palling around with the same bitterly anti-American Afrocentric ideologues that he and Obama were promoting a decade ago."

Power Line connects the dots.
"In 1995, the year Obama assumed control of CAC, he publicly rejected "the unrealistic politics of integrationist assimilation," thereby embracing the Afrocentirc educational philosophy of the SVACC, Wright, and is clear from the documents that Obama reviewed and commented on proposals to fund the training programs of SVACC, including the African rites of passage based programs."

Mentioning "Obama" and "education" in the same sentence makes my blood run cold.