Monday, November 10, 2008

The Democrats On Capitol Hill

"While many voters may think they've voted for "change" in Mr. Obama, they also handed power to the oldest forces in the Old Democratic Party", the Democrats on Capitol Hill.

These guys are in hot pursuit of their own liberal agendas and priorities.

They come with "their own private armies: the interest groups that compose the money and manpower of today's Democratic Party".

I think Obama is a liberal emperor trying out his new clothes as a moderate. Even if he wanted to govern from the center (which I doubt), these guys will be pulling him left, lefter, and leftest (leftist).

They won't support Obama's policies unless Obama plays ball on the old pols liberal agendas. Same thing happened to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

"The Great Society liberals who dominate Congress are old men in a hurry, and they'll run over the 47-year-old neophyte if he lets them."

Read the whole thing.