Sunday, August 14, 2005

Able Danger, Commission Statement, and Crawfish

In Nov, 2003, the 9/11 Commission requested from DOD all documents and files associated with "DIA’s program ‘ABLE DANGER’" from the beginning of 1998 through September 20, 2001.

These documents were received from DOD in Feb, 2004.

None of the documents turned over to the Commission mention Mohamed Atta or any of the other future hijackers.

Here's the Kean-Hamilton Statement on ABLE DANGER, which directly disputes the "knowledge and credibility" of those who have claimed that Able Danger identified Mohammed Atta in the US 1999-2000.

While noting the complaint of a Navy officer that info about Atta had been deleted from a chart document, the statement finds no evidence to back up the complaint.

Nor does the statement address the possibility that Pentagon lawyers believed that intelligence had been collected on Atta illegally, which would account for any possible destruction of documentation.

Which in turn, leads back to Able Danger's recommendation to Special Ops Command to share its info with FBI hitting a "wall of separation".

In a nutshell, the Commission Statement says: they made it up. So, for now this story is dead in the water.

More here, here.
Michelle rounds up.
CQ skeptical.
Mark Steyn's take.

TKS -- A former member of the military intelligence team told me in an interview that it had enough data to raise suspicions. "But we were blocked from passing it to the FBI."
CQ -- more info.

Able Danger, Walls, and "Historical Significance"
Commission Coverup? Able Danger
Able Danger
