Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Bush Press Conference


Some of Bush's comments on Harriet Miers:

"She shares my philosophy that judges should strictly interpret the laws and the Constitution of the United States and not legislate from the bench."

"I'm interested in people that will be strict constructionists."

"And I've told that to the American people ever since I started running for office. I said: Vote for me, this is the kind of judges I'll put on the bench. There should be no doubt in anybody's mind what I believe the philosophy of a judge. And Harriet Miers shares that philosophy."

"her philosophy won't change"

"People know we're close. But you've got to understand, because of our closeness, I know the character of the person."

If confirmed, Harriet Miers may be as close as anyone can get to having George Bush sit on the Supreme Court.