Thursday, October 23, 2008

McCain Is Right, and Obama Is Wrong On The Biggest Issues Facing The Country.

John McCain is right and Barack Obama is wrong.

Mr. Obama's tax-and-spend prescription will cause the economic fever to
spike, not recede.

Raising taxes on small businesses in the face of recession will deepen and
prolong the downturn.

On national security, America is close to a bilateral agreement with Iraq
that will continue sending U.S. troops home based on success -- the result of
the surge that Mr. McCain strongly advocated and Mr. Obama fiercely

America's economy got into trouble when people didn't heed warning signs.
Three years ago, Mr. McCain called for stricter oversight of Fannie Mae and
Freddie Mac...Mr. Obama and congressional Democrats ignored these signs and
opposed reform.

Wanting to raise taxes -- anyone's taxes -- in a slowdown is a warning sign
of a misguided economic philosophy.

Mr. Obama's proposal to redistribute wealth is a warning of indifference or
hostility to enterprise.

Obama's health-care plan is a warning that government will have more, not
less, to say about your health care

Obama's dismissal of offshore drilling and opposition to nuclear power are
warning signs for an economy whose growth depends on affordable energy.

Mr. Obama's commitment to withdraw our troops from Iraq without regard to
conditions on the ground is a warning sign that Mr. Obama is dangerously
wrong-headed and ideological on national security.

The absence of a single significant instance in which Mr. Obama cooperated
in a bipartisan manner in the Senate is a warning sign.

So is his failure to dirty his hands by working hard on any major
legislative challenge since entering Congress.

And so is his refusal to break with his party or its interest groups on any
issue of substance.

Heed the warning signs.