Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Third Debate Tonight

McCain needs to hit Obama hard -- 'take it to him'.

Obama has misrepresented the financial meltdown as a crisis of Republican deregulation. It was the Democrats who opposed regulation.

Obama and other Democrats received large contributions from Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

Obama says 95% will get a tax cut. What about the other 5%? Increasing taxes of any kind in this economy will kill jobs. Obama will kill jobs by taxing small business owners (the people who create jobs). Obama will redistribute this money and spread the wealth around to people who don't even pay taxes.

Obama plans to tax investors who will most likely take their investments outside the U.S. to avoid paying the increased tax. This won't grow the economy.

Obama proposes a trillion dollars spending increase.

Tax and spend, left wing, elitist liberals will control the White House and Congress: Barack Obama, Harry Reid, and Nancy Pelosi.

Obama says middle America clings to guns and religion because of economic frustration.

Obama would meet with enemies of the U.S. without pre-condition. Pass the arugula, please.

Obama voted against the bill to save the lives of aborted babies who somehow managed to survive after attempted abortions. (The bill passed overwhelmingly).

From the beginning of his career, Obama has had close ties to ACORN whose main activity is electing liberals through voter fraud; often using taxpayer money ACORN received through federal grants. Obama gave ACORN $800,000 to 'get out the vote'.

From the beginning of his career, Obama has had close ties to questionable people:

Jeremiah Wright -- hate spewing, race baiting, anti-American, black liberation theologist who 'god damns' the 'US of KKKA'.

Tony Rezko -- corrupt slum lord who helped Obama buy his house -- Rezko is currently in prison.

Bill Ayers -- Unrepentant, Weather Underground radical who bombed the Capitol and Pentagon. Ayers is proud of his bombings, and wishes he had done more of them. Obama had his political coming out party in Ayers' living room.

Obama has no experience, no accomplishments, no record.

Obama does not possess the leadership, character, and judgment to be Commander-In-Chief.

Obama talks and talks. Nothing but rhetoric.

Talk is cheap.

McCain needs to him him hard.

'Take It To Him'