Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Truth About Barack Obama

"After months of "hope," "change" and "I'm not George Bush," the truth has finally tumbled out: Barack Obama wants to redistribute America's wealth, raise taxes on those who create jobs, create vast new handout programs styled as "tax relief," and appoint judges who will radically redefine the relationship between American citizens and their government."

John McCain hits back:

We've learned more about Senator Obama's real goals for our country over
the last two weeks than we learned over the past two years, and that only
because Joe the plumber asked him a question in Ohio. That's when Senator Obama revealed he wants to quote "spread the wealth

Now, Joe didn't ask for Senator Obama to come to his house, and he
didn't ask to be famous. He certainly didn't ask for the political attacks on
him from the Obama campaign. Joe's dream is to own a small business that will
create jobs, and the attacks on him are an attack on small businesses all over
the country. Small businesses employ 84 percent of Americans, and we need to
support small businesses, not tax them.

After months of campaign trail eloquence, we've
finally learned what Senator Obama's economic goal is: to spread the
In a radio interview revealed this week, he said the same thing
-- that one of the quote, "tragedies" of the civil rights
movement is that it didn't bring about "redistributive change

You see, Senator Obama believes in redistributing
wealth, not in policies that grow our economy and create jobs
. He said
that even though lower taxes on investment help our economy, he favors higher taxes on investment for quote
." There's nothing "fair" about driving our
economy into the ground. We all suffer when that happens, and that is the
problem with Senator Obama's approach to our economy. He is
more interested in controlling wealth than in creating it
... in
redistributing money instead of spreading opportunity. I am going to create
wealth for all Americans, by creating opportunity for all Americans.

Senator Obama is running to be Redistributionist in Chief. I'm running to be
Commander in Chief. Senator Obama is running to spread the wealth. I'm running
to create more wealth. Senator Obama is running to punish the successful. I'm
running to make everyone successful

Senator Obama has made a lot of promises. First he said people making
less than 250,000 dollars would benefit from his plan, then this weekend he
announced in an ad that if you're a family making less than 200,000 dollars
you'll benefit -- but yesterday, right here in Pennsylvania, Senator Biden said
tax relief should only go to "middle class people -- people making under 150,000
dollars a year." It's interesting how their definition of rich has a way of
creeping down. At this rate, it won't be long before Senator Obama is right back
to his vote that Americans making just 42,000 dollars a year should get a tax
increase. We can't let that happen.

It's never too late to learn the truth about Obama's "hope" and "change".

McCain can squeak it out. But every voter who wants to prevent Obama from turning this country into a socialized welfare state must get out and vote for John McCain.