Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Forced Lending "Guidelines" Is Nuts

Chuckie Schumer and cohorts are out to force financial institutions who received bailout money to lend more money.

A federal guidance document could be released this week.

"Some details are still being worked out, but the primary goal of the guidance document is to increase lending, which has seized up as a result of the financial crisis in recent months. Experts believe the economy will not begin to recover until the loan markets are working again. Yet, by increasing their lending, banks could expose themselves to more losses. In the economic downturn, people most eager to borrow increasingly are considered the most risky."

This is exactly what happened to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Democrat lawmakers pressured and forced risky loans in the name of "fairness" to people who couldn't afford them and couldn't pay them back.

Loan markets will work again when the housing / mortgage crisis is stabilized.

Banks who ignore the federal guidelines are subject to "sanctions". A Chuck Schumer threat by any other name.

Monday, November 10, 2008

The Democrats On Capitol Hill

"While many voters may think they've voted for "change" in Mr. Obama, they also handed power to the oldest forces in the Old Democratic Party", the Democrats on Capitol Hill.

These guys are in hot pursuit of their own liberal agendas and priorities.

They come with "their own private armies: the interest groups that compose the money and manpower of today's Democratic Party".

I think Obama is a liberal emperor trying out his new clothes as a moderate. Even if he wanted to govern from the center (which I doubt), these guys will be pulling him left, lefter, and leftest (leftist).

They won't support Obama's policies unless Obama plays ball on the old pols liberal agendas. Same thing happened to Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton.

"The Great Society liberals who dominate Congress are old men in a hurry, and they'll run over the 47-year-old neophyte if he lets them."

Read the whole thing.

Voting Yourself Money

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic."

Quote by:
Benjamin Franklin

Great Fiction

"The state is the great fiction by which everybody seeks to live at the expense of everybody else."

Quote by:
Frederic Bastiat, 1848

Equal Sharing Of Misery

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Quote by:
Winston Churchill

Without Knowing How It Happened

""The American people will never knowingly adopt Socialism. But under the name of 'liberalism' they will adopt every fragment of the Socialist program, until one day America will be a Socialist nation, without knowing how it happened."

Norman Thomas(1884-1968) six-time U.S. Presidential candidate for the Socialist Party of America
1948 - from an interview during the presidential campaign


Socialism and its government dictates toward behavior failed.

"By making the state the arbiter of economic value and social justice, as well as the source of rights, it deprived individuals of their liberty....the right to choose and to innovate."

Enter Barack Obama's "socialism-lite".

"If reckoned as an attitude rather than a set of guidelines for running an economy, socialism might well describe Senator Obama's economics."

"Anyone who speaks glibly of "spreading the wealth around" sees wealth not as resulting chiefly from individual effort, initiative, and risk-taking, but from great social forces beyond any private producer's control."

In this attitude, since society produces all the wealth, society has a claim on all the wealth.

"This notion of wealth certainly warrants the name "socialism," for it gives the abstraction "society" pride of place over flesh-and-blood individuals."

Socialism-lite stifles the free market, wealth production, innovation, and freedom.

Barack Obama's election and his "socialism-lite" may very well move this country more and more toward the failure that is socialism.

Monday, November 03, 2008


Reasons to vote against Barack Obama:

I don't want America to change in the ways that Obama wants to change America.

He's the most liberal Senator -- no experience, no record.

National Security -- As warned by Joe Biden, Obama would invite a global crisis as a test by world leaders -- McCain has already been tested and the world knows it -- Obama would meet with enemy dictators without pre-condition -- wants to cut defense budget by 25% -- he opposed the winning surge in Iraq -- preview of his foreign policy appears to be appeasement.

Economy -- liberal, left-wing, socialist agenda -- "spread the wealth" -- Redistributor-in-Chief -- tax and spend -- trillion dollars spending proposals -- his taxation will kill jobs instead of growing the economy -- says those who oppose his economic policy are "selfish" -- policies will turn this country into a welfare state and are a recipe for a depression -- believes middle class clings to guns and religion out of economic bitterness.

Energy -- role of government to force consumer behavior change -- price fixing -- bankrupt the coal industry -- skyrocketing electricity rates.

Obama has bad judgment and many character flaws as evidenced by his radical associations -- Jeremiah Wright, Tony Rezko, Bill Ayers, Rashid Khalidi, Louis Farrakhan, ACORN -- funded many of these radicals through his seat on Woods Foundation -- gave ACORN $800,000 to "get out the vote" -- received past endorsement from Socialist Democrats of America -- schooled in the corrupt politics of the Chicago Daley machine and the "Chicago Way".

Obama broke his promise to accept public campaign finance -- encouraged fraudulent internet contributions.

Courts -- his criteria for appointing judges is "empathy with the little guy" instead of the rule of law -- said it was a "tragedy" the Supreme Court did not enact wealth redistribution as an outcome of the Civil Rights Movement. The Constitution says the courts should decide cases based on the rule of law without regard to a person's status.

Constitution -- Obama doesn't seem to like or agree with it very much -- how can he preserve, protect, defend?

Education -- funded Bill Ayers educational programs to radicalize students toward socialism.

Abortion -- supports partial birth abortion -- voted against saving babies who survived botched abortions.

Triumvirate -- Extreme left wing government control -- Obama with Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi pulling the strings -- filibuster proof Senate.

Arrogance -- "The One" we've been waiting for -- "Obamessiah" -- says he will heal the planet -- "I will change the world" -- Greek columns -- farces in Berlin -- infomercial -- played the race card at every criticism -- Michelle never proud of country until Obama got the nomination.

Elitism -- that the populace is too stupid to know their own best interests -- therefore, the elites in government must decide your best interests "on your behalf".

All of these charges were levelled against Obama by all the Democrats who were his rivals in the primaries campaign including his running mate -- these same Democrats publicly profess to support him now. Yeah, right.

The choice is clear.
Vote for John McCain.

Obama Spells Disaster For America's Coal Industry

Statement from the president of the Ohio Coal Association:

"...the Obama-Biden ticket spells disaster for America's coal industry and the tens of thousands of Americans who work in it."

"It's evident that this campaign has been pandering in states like Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Indiana and Pennsylvania to attempt to generate votes from coal supporters, while keeping his true agenda hidden from the state's voters."

"Senator Obama has revealed himself to be nothing more than a short- sighted, inexperienced politician willing to say anything to get a vote. But today, the nation's coal industry and those who support it have a better understanding of his true mission, to 'bankrupt' our industry, put tens of thousands out of work and cause unprecedented increases in electricity prices."

Read it all.

Obama's Spiritual Mentor

The Pennsylvania GOP has released an ad about Obama's spiritual mentor and pastor for 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.

"The media has allowed Barack Obama to escape public scrutiny on countless issues and has been silent on Obama's connection with the Rev. Jeremiah Wright since the Primary Election," Gleason said in a statement. "When Pennsylvanians vote for a president, they should have a full picture of that candidate's character, including the people they chose to intimately align themselves with for many years."

In sermons, Wright goddamned the US of KKKA and proclaimed 9/11 as America's chickens coming home to roost.

View the video ad.

Twenty years of influence from Jeremiah Wright.

Obama On Energy

Obama thinks the role of government is to change your behavior. That may be the role of the state in places like Russia or China, but not in America.

Obama wants to change consumer behavior on energy by fixing prices through "price signals".

Obama: "I think it is important for us to send some price signals to change behavior."

Ed Morrissey: "Is that the function of government — to fix prices as a punitive measure to change consumer behavior? It will be in an Obama administration. He and a few elites will decide which consumer behaviors are bad, and penalize it with price signals."

Obama will take it a step farther and bankrupt the coal industry.

Obama: "...it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that greenhouse gas that’s being emitted."

That's a sure job killer to drive an entire industry out of existence by driving up costs and making it totally unaffordable for producers and consumers even though we get half our electrical from coal.

Is this guy totally clueless?

Wait....there's more.

He's going to make electricity rates "skyrocket" when all his increased costs to the energy industry are passed on to consumers.

Obama: "Under my plan of a cap and trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket."

Ed Morrissey: "Price shocks on energy is the last thing this economy needs. It would be worse than the taxes Obama promises to impose on investment, and would have the same depressive effect. It’s an utter disaster."

Obama is totally clueless.

Barack Obama: "I Will Change The World"

Thomas Sowell notes that Obama's only qualifications are ego and mouth.

"Barack Obama has the kind of cocksure confidence that can only be achieved by not achieving anything else."

"After this man has wrecked the economy and destroyed constitutional law with his judicial appointments, what can he do for an encore? He can cripple the military and gamble America's future on his ability to sit down with enemy nations and talk them out of causing trouble."

Obama Keeps On Changing

Obama keeps on changing his mind video about who exactly is going to get his promised "tax cut".

First it was those who make under $250,000 per year, then he said those who make under $200,000 per year.

Joe Biden said it was for those who make under $150,00 per year.

Bill Richardson, Governor of New Mexico, said it was for those who make under $120,000 per year.

About a year ago, Obama believed in "cuts" for those who make under $70,000 per year.

It changes from day to day. He can't be believed on this issue.


John Boehner, House Minority Leader, takes off on Obama's record of voting "present" 129 times in the Illinois legislature:

"In Congress, we have a red button, a green button and a yellow button, alright. Green means 'yes,' red means 'no,' and yellow means you're a chicken shit. And the last thing we need in the White House, in the oval office, behind that big desk, is some chicken who wants to push this yellow button."

Obama has a problem on tough decisions. He likes to take a pass.

Selfish Is As Selfish Does

Barack Obama is now saying that anyone who opposes his socialistic tax policies is selfish.

In other words, if you want to decide what to do with the money you earn then you are selfish.

Obama wants to raise your taxes (take your money) and give it to someone else (welfare).

Seems to me that the people who want to receive your money (the people who want something for nothing) are the people who are selfish.