Wednesday, October 05, 2005

George Will, Elitist Snob

George Will has told the U.S. Senate to NOT confirm Harriet Miers.

Ooooh, the guru has spoken. So let it be written, so let it be done.

George Will proclaims that Bush is too stupid to nominate anyone, and by association, Harriet Miers is too stupid to be a Supreme Court justice.

Will proclaims that Miers' nomination is a frivolous whim lacking standards of seriousness not worthy of Senate consideration or deference, and that her confirmation would reduce the Supreme Court to Bush's "private plaything".

George Will, that self-important snob, has looked down his nose from the perch of intellectual pomposity to issue his proclamation.

With a pretentious air of self-satisfied superiority, delivered from his self-imposed Mount Olympus, he issues three rules to which the peons should extend op-ed deference.

Oh baloney. What he's really mad about is McCain-Feingold!
