Able Danger Re-Enabled
Lt. Col. Anthony Shaffer, Army intell officer, goes on the record. "Able Danger" identified Mohammed Atta as an al-Qaeda cell member in the US in 2000. Military lawyers cancelled three scheduled meetings to share the info with the FBI.
Lawyers associated with Special Ops Command feared "blow-back" if Able Danger was portrayed as a military operation that had violated the privacy of civilians who were legally in the United States. "If something goes wrong, we'll get blamed."
Knocked down by Jamie Gorelick's "wall of separation".
Shaffer gave the same info to the 9/11 Commission in Oct, 2003 in Afghanistan. DOD documents provided contained no mention of Atta, supposedly why Able Danger is not in the final 9/11 Commission Report.
But, Shaffer claims Commission received 1/20th the info available on Able Danger. Big question -- Why not?
Did the Commission prefer to focus AWAY from the Clinton administration's "wall", thereby deflecting criticism of Clinton's bungling of festering terrorism?
-- LynZee
Able Danger, Commission Statement, and Crawfish
AbleDanger,Walls,and"Historical Significance"
Commission Coverup? Able Danger
Able Danger
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